“Kane is one of the most powerful healers that I have ever worked with. His energy is deeply healing and he comes from a truly connected, compassionate place. He takes you to places deep within that are not readily available amidst our busy lives and the process that unfolds is enlightening and healing with clear results that you can really feel. Kane is an open channel for a truly high source of energy and spirit!”
Kino Macgregor, PhD
Owner of Miami Life Center (Best Yoga Studio 2008, Miami New Times), awarded the certification to teach Ashtanga Yoga by its founder Sri K. Pattabhi, Life Coach & PhD in holistic health from NYU
"As the host of a show that presents talks with some of the world's spiritually enlightened people, I often come across healers, practitioners and the like, but my experience with Kane far exceeds any expectations! His ability to move me through the clearing process was effortless, and most profound. I have been transformed forever!"
Rev. Dr. Edwige Bingue, Msc.D.
Author & Host of Affirmations for Living
“Dear Kane, I am so grateful. Not only for all that you helped make possible, but for the opportunity to reach beyond my imagination and flow with this new found energy. I am thrilled to be invited to share this energy and enlightenment with you and others in the future. I truly believe that when we are ready our guides appear. Thank you for being one of those guides. This experience has changed me forever...”
Lorraine Meyer, HDD, MCHt
Teacher and Healer at Ahlara International
"I say without any doubt that Kane has been the most advanced healer that I have ever worked with. His ability to see what is arising and the way he works with presence and allowing it to support a process towards its completion is remarkable. Kane works to go to the root of what is arising, clearing all of the layers necessary to allow the complete unfoldment of a pattern. One of Kane’s greatest points of mastery is his ability to work from a place of deep equanimity. I have yet to feel any form of projection or transference from him, which gives me this grand sense of spaciousness that has been important for my own healing."
Dr. Kat
Transpersonal Psychologist
"The healing that I've been doing with Kane has gone in and rooted out so many of my deepest wounds. Sometimes going into past lives. Getting at the root of it, at the source. And I go out into my day and I see differently yet again! I see the world with new eyes. And then I realize they're not actually new eyes, I'm just regaining my own eye's true sight. Kane has been helping me peel back the layers, enabling me to have the courage to be me, really. I feel like I'm getting my voice back, after all this time. Thank you so much Kane. You are a true healer."
Liv Wheeler
Teacher, Healer and Diviner
"Thank u again! I really value, see & feel the clarity you bring forth and the space you hold. Yesterday I had a beautiful communion with the divine , which I know it's always present within and without . But yesterday was one of those Moments where the space was held to feel that deep connection which one cannot really express with words . So beautiful!"
Barbara Herrera
Sound Healer
"Kane, you are an amazing being! I have had the privilege to be in the company of many amazing beings.....and you definitely stand out. I appreciate you knowing when to be silent, when to move forward full steam ahead and when to let the party be over. I especially appreciated you knowing when to allow for me to take in the energy......and be in it for the time after. The session has had a big impact in my life… With Love."
Susan, B.Sc
Spiritual Speaker, Writer & Healer
"Kane, thank you so much for everything you have done for me. You are unique and special, and I am honored our paths crossed. I have never met anyone like you, and while my mind is far from completely comprehending what exactly it is you do and how you do it, I know you are real. You bring things up that resonates and feel so familiar, and yet without you bringing awareness to them I don’t think I could have figured these things out on my own. You are simply amazing, and I feel that no amount of money can ever come close to repaying you for everything you have done for me. I am forever grateful for your presence in my life."
Lyndelle N.
Marketing Consultant
"In a world of so-called healers who claim to be able to do many things, Kane is the real deal. I have the blessing of being extremely skeptical and I was once a complete atheist before I awoke to the reality of spirit. Kane is a clear channel whose abilities remove all doubt."
Colin Fitzgibbon
New Lotus Healing Sanctuary
"Within the first 30 seconds I could feel the energy in my body shifting and that was before I even laid down. I felt very comfortable and Kane's soothing voice above me helped put me in a great place... Love, Gratitude, Energy & Aloha!"
Tom Whitmire
Hippocrates Health Educator
"Hi Kane, the last clearing was beyond words for me! Something's changed and shifted on a deep level. The undercurrent of angst that I've carried all my life is virtually non-existent! You're such a gifted and beautiful soul!"
“Dear Kane, from my heart I thank you for your healing words and energy. You are a true healer and what I lived and experienced in today’s session is the answer I was waiting for... I felt the healing energy and as I breathed I felt all the “dust “and emotional clogs being released, leaving me with a feeling of freedom. Thank you again my friend.”
"Kane, thank you so much for the amazingly powerful session that I had with you a few days ago. It is hard to put into words the explosion of consciousness and knowing that I experienced… The work continues, and the amount of information and Light that is coming through continues to evolve in each moment. It is grand to observe my self becoming more aware. After our session I was immediately aware of feeling lighter and less attached to worn out thoughts of the past or the future. Much more focused on now, and more aware of the presence of source as it flows through me as I move through my day. There is a inner peace and sense of wellbeing that came with the relief of karmic cords that no longer served a purpose… I look forward as the path unfolds for me to be more of a servant of Light..."
"I never ever experienced such an in depth clearing right down to my soul level, from my past lives to my dna, my cells, my illnesses, triggers, emotions .... I can go on and on.....Cant wait to see how things shift now to allow things to FLOW........ Your are one amazing person Kane."
Sheri Kaplan
Certified Nursing Assistant
"Wow... Kane I really want to thank you! This was life-changing and I feel so renewed and full of light!... :) Thank you so very much!!!"
Lina Gaudenzi
Vocalist & Songwriter
"My Dear friend Kane… It came to me that things were coming to the surface in the physical… those energies of fear, anger, hatred, anxiety, those things that wanted their say. I felt that energy for sure. I was at times reacting with that energy. Not outward to others but in silence. So I did what was needed of me, to focus on the Flow of the waterfall that dissolved all of that, illuminated and healed.
Now today, that wasn't there. I was more at ease, opened and relaxed. Things became clearer to me, about me and the fact that I am connected and communicating with my higher self. I can feel it. I'm gaining my voice. I'm speaking from the heart, my truth, while being of Divine Light and Love… I know that more will be opened up to me… Thank You My Brother for the love, light, compassion, for everything. This is having a profound impact on my life. Blessings Be!"
Mario Brown
"Hi Kane, It's almost a month since our session and time has been flying. I felt like a lot got moving through. I feel much more positive all the way through, like some deep sadness got released. During the session I could feel a lot happening inside. So there is more space and clarity for creation to happen. Life is more connected and I can enjoy to be alive again. I also continuously work on clearing and building more functionality. It seems like everything is more inspired from inside. I feel very thankful for that."
Oliver Schirmer
"For the first time in 7 years I can put all my weight onto my right leg. All the preparatory work you have done with me brought this issue to a place of ripeness and yesterday was the day. I am so deeply grateful Kane. I have worked with many healers over the years and many were very sincere and compassionate, caring and sensitive but none of them were able to see the deepest root, the real picture as you have..."
Patricia Dohearty
Teacher & Artist
"Kane, I want to express how thankful I am to have found you and being able to work with you. I am finally feeling my life is less of a drag and am finding bits of joy in it... I know many have told you that you are amazing, incredible, gifted and touched, however I am finding it impossible to formulate the words to describe you as there are no words that would do you or your work justice. I feel it in my soul that feeling we all strive for on this earthly plane but cannot actually get to. You are changing my path, one that was dark and lonely and full of despair to one that is not so heavy and has landmarks of joy, love and peace. Thank you."
Lorinda Escobosa
Single mom of a teen trying to keep a grip on reality and smile through it :)
“Dear Kane, firstly I would like to thank you for Wednesday's session, it was quite mind blowing. The sensations in my body before and after the session were quite impressive. My body was so full of energy that it was hard for me sleep. Furthermore, I am feeling wise, at peace and full of hope. Hope for change…”
“Hi Kane, thank you again for the session on Saturday. Each one has been a little chip of transformation in a way I have been praying for for a very long time…"
Nicole Selinger
"Kane, I want to thank you for the veeerrry informative session I had with you last week. It makes so much sense to me relative to my current life, issues, and what you were able to tell me. I also thank you for the clearing work. I can feel a release as well as a fullness in my heart chakra. I also feel hope…"
Janis Ames
MA, AIT, TFT and The Reconnection
"Hi Kane! I’m feeling great! I’m feeling extremely productive at work, like I haven’t in a long time! I feel I have released something that was blocking me (from inside of me). Something was not allowing my thoughts and emotions to flow. You have also showed me how to be in the moment and somehow let the universe takes care of things I should not be worrying about, especially at work. Even my friend A... said today that I made her feel peaceful! It must be my “new energy”! Even that person that for a long while I was really butting heads with at work made a joke with me today, playing around! Everything is great! Thank you very much!"
Luciana Carvalho
"This is awesome... I finally feel a coming back... or a remembering of me. Like waking up... So now I can say I am happily back on track :) Thank you! :)"
Antonio La Rosa
"This has been a 180 degree change in my life and an extraordinary and unbelievable experience that I will keep and cherish forever. Thank you Kane!"
Francesca Fabietti
Assistant Banker
"My dearest Kane, since last Saturday I want to say THANKS!!!!!!!!! for the amazing experience that I had with you. I do not have words to describe what I felt and what is happening to me!!!!!!!! I am so gratefull with the Universe and God that I had the opportunity to share with you and the rest of us last Saturday... Thanks again!!!!!!!!"
Elizabeth Pons
Reiki Master
“You cannot imagine - and maybe you can - what "service" you've given me today. The compassion that came through in our session transformed me! The healing you channeled was healing! surprise surprise (ha, ha, ha)!!! My vision is clear again and my toe, that was in the lethal waters of drama, is out again - if you know what I mean. I DID let go of the attachment I had with G....i's and I know that being out of the drama my service of help is much greater. I am back on the Soul level where we speak a different language. Thank you...”
Stefanie Yamout
Healer & Artist
“Hi Kane, Thank you so much. You are a GOD send! I loved the session. It completely connected to how I relate to work and my life... often, I would ask myself, "What am I doing here? Why am I not happy when all is well?" I'm glad we found the subconscious fragment that was causing the negative feelings and that in our session it was released. I feel so much better... I have been doing the “homework” I was given and I will continue to do so. I am so grateful to you!"
“When I had completed those two sessions with you last year, my chakras actually activated! Initially I started feeling a pull on the top my head....then it slowly progressed to other areas... Thank you! I am forever grateful. I am never the same person after your sessions. You are so incredibly gifted! :)
Nell Rios
Reiki Healer
"Thank you so much for the session today,... it really resonated with many things within, as did both past life readings that you brought up as well.... it was both helpful and healing, and I hope that the joyful light you channeled for me lit up your soul path as well..."
"All my life, (47 years) I have slowly become aware of the sense that there was a "thorn" in my paw, so to speak.....something un-natural lodged in my psyche or soul, that had become infected and was causing a great deal of mental, emotional, even physical pain.......I sought out many healers from around the world, studied many modalities of healing, did much therapy....but only today, after my first session with Kane did I feel that FINALLY!!!! The thorn was removed and I can now recover.
Kane's work is truly Miraculous and completely natural, at the same time. It was a stream of "Aha!s" and recognition of the issues that have plagued me and hadn't been resolved until now. My readiness was met with Kane's gentle coaching to expand and allow the Light to dissolve the barriers to my own soul's natural flow of energy in all the layers of my being. Powerful, effective and permanent, these changes allow me to more fully be my own true self.
When my laptop computer was acting sluggish, I allowed the technician access to connect with it and locate the areas that were causing the problem...much in this way, Kane is a "soul technician" who guides you to allow your own soul energy to flood and heal you, dissolving pockets of stuck emotion/negative energies and clearing the pathway to the natural flow of Life force.
The time I spent in an individual session with Kane felt like the most productive couple of hours of my entire life! There is a natural, quiet joy residing in my heart once again.
Pianist & Composer
“Dear Kane,
It has taken a few days to discover and uncover just how powerful the recent session I had with you was. You have truly shown me that your unique ability to tune in to my BEing was right up there with the clearest of the clairvoyant! The details of the interpretations were astounding, as if you dialed back to the time, opened the pages and read each word aloud.
I felt my past in moments that were able to afford me the opportunity to see them from a third party perspective, that gave me a much better insight as to what had really transpired. Though the years have since passed with the ever changing seasons, the burden of feelings that I have been going through haven't.
These past few days, I have had a chance to revisit these issues with a much healthier attitude this time and begin the process to resolve some of them. Some of them that I thought I would carry for the rest of this lifetime. It's been amazing how much of the weight has lifted off my shoulders.
I knew the next morning that a shift had occurred inside of me by the lightness I felt the moment I opened my eyes. A shift that took a once victimized person, and transported them into a position of better understanding of what had happened, so many years before. Your reading gave me strength again to challenge my psych, and put back into order the most important part of my life experience, ME.
Thank You for sharing this wonderful gift of healing, that you truly carry within. This session has made an incredible impact that I know will continue to make a difference in my life. Thank You for your time and energy and abundance of sincerity in your life’s destiny of helping others.”
Jeffery Burnell
"Words cannot fully explain the amazing journey I am going through right now. It feels like the clearing of my soul came to my path at the right time, and I completely opened myself to it, accepting the natural flow of the universe, which is allowing me to understand what "life" is really about.
I met Kane through a few friends, who had been mentioning "The Flow". I always try to open myself to new things that come along my path, so I was very happy to hear more about the Flow. One night my friends and I met with Kane simply to nurture friendship, talk, and enjoy a nice time...that's when I was first introduced to the "The Flow" and the concept of "Clearing". That same night I had a session which probably lasted for over an hour. I had so much to clear, that my soul did not feel satisfied until I felt that first layers of dirt were finally cleared away from me. I will be honest with you; just like anything else my mind did question what was happening to me, and it tried blocking this natural flow that was starting to wake up my very being. But my heart spoke louder, and little by little it made me realize it was something completely natural, and that I had to be so thankful it was finally happening to me.
For the last 2 years or so (especially during 2012) I've been experiencing the awakening process. And since the encounter with Kane, my Soul has been eager to learn more, and to feel the true love taking over me. After my first session, it took me about a month to have another session. Just because it was something new to me, that had allowed NEW REALIZATIONS to come to my heart, and other CLARIFICATIONS I had never felt before. Things such the truth about anger, sadness, and the lies that had and were being told to my heart, and it took me a few weeks to realize that. After a couple more sessions, I felt like a caged bird who had been freed for the first time! It was an amazing feeling of happiness, but at the same time, I did not know where to fly to, and how to handle all these new emotions and clarifications that were coming to me. So it took me a little bit more time, patience, and purely listening to my soul to realize I would be OK, and that I was finally being introduced to a deeper clearing process.
One night, I remember trying falling asleep when I felt the Flow very strongly through the back part of my body. For a few seconds I felt this "thing" trying to resist the natural force of the Flow, it was so strong and so real that I literally felt something was coming out of me.... This "thing" was finally taken away by the Flow, and after it was out of me, I felt extremely light but I could not understand what had just happened! I spoke with Kane, and he told me that "thing" was a negative force that had been with me for the several years of my lifetime, and that it had been blocking me in many ways.
This is only one remarkable experience I could remember just now to share with you. Every day, every week, every month is different. It also took me some time to realize that there are revelations after revelations, and that they don't stop flowing… In the beginning I remember times where I would be having a tough week and then after clearing through it feeling FREED. And after days of feeling HAPPY and LIGHT new emotions would come to my mind again. Then I would think I was going down again, and being sad... but then I realized the truth is that I was clearing, and clearing, clearing more dirt away from my heart....and I finally understood I just had to accept and be patient about everything!
For the first 2, 3 months or so, I always felt the Flow to be very physical in my body. It was "easier" for me to connect to and clear the first layers of confusions, depression, sadness, and anger. After that, I remember not feeling the Flow as strong, but it was only because it was starting to become more and more a natural part of me and my life. And I didn't have to dig to clear negative "things" in my life. They would simply naturally come into my daily routine, and then I would realize I would be clearing them out as I was experiencing them.
For instance: in any negative discussion with any sort of negative feeling I would have with another person, I would then realize what I was doing, and the Flow would manifest itself within...And then after a few days, I would learn from that experience... Basically, you start to realize the truth about your own lifetime in this planet. Some weeks are easier for me, and some other weeks are a little more difficult, only because negative feelings from the past get really heavy, and it just takes some time for me to realize what's going on. But once you face the truth in the light of awareness, once you allow the Flow to naturally flow through you, YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO ANYTHING. This is something natural that allows you to be who you truly are.
Now I'm starting to realize what a lie we live in this planet. A few weeks ago I still faced anger towards that, and frustration... but now I see that's NOT RIGHT of me. I need to be thankful first of all, that I am being able to see all these lies "society" invented, and then I need to feel love for all the ones that are still not able to see it. I need to show them love... NOT WITH WORDS, and NOT BY TELLING THEM WHAT I THINK, BUT JUST BY SHOWING THEM TRUE LOVE... Whoever crosses my path, and whatever life brings my way...I'm trying to be patient and to live day by day... NOT to be anxious... which is very hard for me, because ANXIETY is a hard one for me... I'm being able to handle FEAR now.. more than ever... I'm being able to be myself without fear: an artist, a musician.. and also being able to live the present without worrying about the future. The less I worry about what others think of me, the happier I am...
I feel like my next step is to put what I learn into my art. And I hold no expectations...and I need not worry about my "career". And you know, all the trappings of this society! I will just love, and be patient with my self... I'm happier than ever, and I didn't even have to do anything for it. I'm just allowing my own Flow to clean up any "mess" I have made along the way :)"
Daniella Bertoldi
Musician & Artist
Soul Coaching & Healing
Guiding your journey of self-discovery and healing
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